360 South Bay and Fusion South Bay are two of the premier gated communities in the area. Both communities are fairly new with 360 generally being built around 2012-2013 and Fusion being built around 2006. New construction with ammenities that today’s buyers are looking for are very hard to find in a similar price range in the neighboring communities. Both neighborhoods appealed to buyers that wanted the lifestyle of Manhattan or Redondo but couldn’t afford it. Although todays buyers seem to be more focused on one or the other, they have long appealed to the same buyers.
View the current homes for sale in 360 and the current homes for sale in Fusion
The charts below show of the basic real estate market information. It’s not always an apples to apples comparison as 360 offers everything from studio condos to large 4 bedroom “single family” style detached homes. Fusion on the other hand offers 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes. If you’re considering either community here are the basics:
Fusion 2018 (as of 4/18/18)
360 South Bay 2018 (as of 4/18/18)
5 homes on the market (2 active)
16 homes on the market
Average per foot $577.79
Average per foot $546
Median per foot $588.71
Median per foot $5555
Average price $783,333
Average price $925,813
Median Price $805,000
Median Price $845,000
Highest Sale $815,000
Highest Sale $1,199,000
Lowest Sale $649,000*
*currently active listing
Lowest Sale $698,000
Fusion 2017
360 South Bay 2017
18 homes on the market
65 homes on the market
Average per foot $553.65
Average per foot $504
Median per foot $552.70
Median per foot $501
Average price $687,628
Average price $842,485
Median Price $694,950
Median Price $808,000
Highest Sale $814,900
Highest Sale $1,260,000
Lowest Sale $589,000
Lowest Sale $525,000